An Introduction to Open ID Connect

Michael Pearn, Senior Consultant | August 5, 2021    

Practical guidance for working with OIDC

Published in February 2014, Open ID Connect or ‘OIDC’ is an open authentication standard built on top of the existing OAuth open authorization standard.

This blog will outline some practical understanding of working with OIDC, some comparisons to SAML for situations where both could be used, and how to use it in some basic ways with an Azure implementation.

This Nate Barbettini video on breaking down Open ID and OAuth 2.0 ‘in plain English’ is probably the best theoretical understanding of the open standard that I can recommend.

If you’ve digested some of this theory already, then some key points that I’ve found after working with it with implementations might make this easier to understand:

  • OIDC is essentially a ‘thin layer’ of authentication in the form of an ID token (which mandates a JSON Web Token or JWT format) ‘built on top of’ the OAuth standard.  The ‘bulk’ of the heavy lifting is still OAuth, however an ID Token allows it to identify specific users to OIDC aware applications.
  • OIDC was introduced to prevent developers from trying to inject personal identifying information into an OAuth Access Token to perform identity services.  OAuth Access Tokens don’t necessarily mandate a JSON Web Token (JWT) format i.e., could be completely opaque, and isn’t a good place to put identity info.
  • Developers in the community often contribute to both OAuth and OIDC at the same time, and these open standards are still considered mutually exclusive.

Who are all these open standard organizations?

If you’d like to watch a clear breakdown about the difference between the IETF (, (OAuth2) and Open ID Foundation (OIDC) behind all of these web standards, then the first section of this is the best explanation I can recommend.

Like with any open standard, an identity vendor (say Azure, Okta, Auth0 etc.) will implement and potentially interpret certain aspects of that standard in their implementations, and therefore no two vendor’s OIDC implementations are exactly the same.   I’ll touch on a few examples that I’ve discovered later in the blog.

Evolution of OIDC and Auth 2.0

In 2021, we no longer have just users (or systems impersonating users) with accounts and passwords accessing traditional web applications with front and backends – we have all sorts of access scenarios, for example TVs that don’t have Internet browsers etc.  A simple username and password does not cater for a significant number of 2021’s authentication scenarios.

‘Web’ applications themselves have evolved – for example: Single Page Apps (SPAs) don’t have a traditional server backend for example and code is entirely executed locally on the machine.

OAuth (and therefore OIDC) has therefore grown (and also consolidated as I’ll outline) to accommodate these increasingly different types of authentication and authorization scenarios.

More recently, the organization has released its specifications for OAuth 2.1 but these can be largely considered as resolving and consolidating the number of RFC standards that falls under the existing umbrella.  For example, the Implicit flow type has been largely redundant due to the security issues with it and largely replaced with Authorization Code + Private Key (PKCE) Exchange.

In essence OAuth 2.1 outlines, in terms of ‘how to use it’, largely three grant types:

  • Authorization Code (Auth Code) + PKCE: for all traditional web apps, SPAs, traditional ‘OAuth’ only “three-legged app flows” etc. where a user is present and MFA can be mandated and not break the authentication flow.   PKCE adds some extra security to the flow and removes the requirement of exposing client secrets.
  • Client Credentials: for all ‘machine’ transactions where a user is not present to enter a dynamically changing password and potentially MFA.
  • Device Code used in specific consumer user situations: e.g. TVs that don’t have Internet browsers.

These ‘grant types’ are a key part of understanding the three major flows that OAuth2.1 and OIDC can be used in products for authorisation and authentication.   Typically, only Auth Code and Client Credentials would be used in a typical organization that only consume OIDC aware web-based applications or OAuth enabled Web APIs.

Advice on securely using OIDC with third parties

If an organization say wants to use their identity provider’s OIDC authorization service, with a third-party application that is OIDC aware, then I’ll provide some general advice as good practice and good security hygiene:

  • If it’s a user flow, then insist on that provider supporting Authorization Code plus the  PKCE exchange.   Typically, most identity OIDC vendors (Okta, Auth0 etc) will support the PKCE parts of the Authorization Code flow but not all do (e.g. Azure currently).
  • DO NOT allow a vendor to insist on enabling ‘Implicit’ or ‘Hybrid’ flow support.   All the major OIDC vendors that I’ve worked with will allow you to block ‘Implicit’ and ‘Hybrid’ flows from being provided.
  • DO NOT provide a client secret to a third-party web application, unless you’re setting up the Client Credential flow.   Also, have a company policy to rotate your company secrets or let them expire (with clear communication).   If your OIDC authentication service provider doesn’t allow for client secret rotation, then insist on setting up a new ‘client’ every year with your OIDC vendor and transfer securely the client ID and client secret to them.   Don’t email them in clear text.

OIDC versus SAML

In a lot of Enterprise application situations you’ll want to setup Federation of a corporate identity provider such as Azure to a cloud web app - for example, - the vendor will often provide now a choice between using OIDC and SAML protocols for authentication and authorization.

This comparison will largely ignore that OIDC can often be used in many more authentications scenarios where SAML cannot, however we’ll use an example of a cloud identity provider communicating with a remote web-based SaaS application which offers both SAML and OIDC integrations.

By and large, OIDC presents significant benefits over SAML namely:

  • Better user experience: a user’s session does not have to be re-directed multiple times between the identity provider and the application to get a SAML claim.  Especially in cases where if it’s a traditional web app with a server backend, if coded to use OIDC, it can get a token for the user via the ‘back channel’ largely independent to the user’s front channel session.   A user’s session will wait for the token to be retrieved on their behalf via the back channel and then sign in more seamlessly.
  • Consistent endpoints: OIDC is largely consistently implemented between vendors such as Azure and Okta.   For example, most integrations of OIDC will have a ‘well known’ endpoint that lists all other OIDC endpoints (such as /token) and advertises all the features that the vendor has implemented.   Unlike SAML, where there’s no uniformity to SAML endpoints so often times (if not documented thoroughly), it can be guesswork between identity service and application as to what URLs to implement
  • JSON Web Token Claims, most of the basic ID token claims are standardised, and are listed here. SAML claims by and large (apart from ‘NameID’) do not have a consistent approach here, so often applications will dictate a custom set of claims even for ‘first name’ etc.  This makes every integration with SAML custom, where you have to get a custom list of SAML claims for every application.
  • OIDC and OAuth2 are continually improving, whereas SAML 2.0 has largely remained static as a standard since 2005.   For example, there are RFCs in development to bring in more security around restricting the ability for JWT tokens to be replayed by bad actors such as ‘Mutual TLS’ that uses a clients local certificate detail when the request for the token is done.  The JWT is then tied to that specific client and cannot be easily reproduced by another actor (even if the contents are known).  This does not already include the existing JWT signature that’s already present in OIDC integrations which signs the JWT using the OIDC provider’s ‘JWKS’ endpoint.    SAML can by and large only encrypt a SAML claims contents which improves security but makes triaging issues difficult.
  • OIDC’s JSON v SAML’s XML, JSON is ‘lighter’ in terms of the over traffic consumed, so therefore quicker and more efficient to process than XML (and developers much prefer working with JSON than XML).

The downside however, in some cases, is that using Open ID Connect in an Enterprise can be confusing initially due to the ability to troubleshoot issues. SAML, as it primarily uses the browser’s front channel to pass SAML claims between the identity provider and the remote application, can be easier to troubleshoot as you can install many SAML ‘trace’ tools that can inspect a SAML claim in transition (assuming the SAML traffic isn’t encrypted).

If you’re sending a custom set of SAML claims to an application and you want to verify both the claim name and value, you can easily do so using these tools.   Troubleshooting OIDC is more difficult as you will often not see the ID or Access tokens in the browser due to improved security, or its being sent via the back channel if one exists.   This can be replaced however using other tools such as Postman Collections and JWT viewers (which I’ll outline later in this blog).

Simple OIDC Setup with Azure

I’ll now outline how it can be quite straight forward to configure an identity provider, which in this case is Azure, to configure that provider with a ‘client’ or ‘application’ (terms that are often used interchangeably) that will be used to issue new ID and Access Tokens for a remote cloud app that supports OIDC.

In this case, I’ll be outlining how to use Authorization Code grant type to support this (I won’t include PKCE which is strongly recommended to keep the process shorter).

This setup will outline how to:

  • Setup an Azure OIDC client;
  • Implicit Flow Method: How to use a ‘smart link’ to view a combined ID & Access token content; and
  • Authorization Code Method: How to use a browser and CURL commands to view the ID and Access tokens individually.

Setup Azure OIDC Client

All Azure tenants come with specific OIDC endpoints ready for a user and application to communicate with.   The easiest is to start with the ‘well known’ endpoint to find all other OIDC endpoints, that you can then supply to an application vendor which supports OIDC.

This would be equivalent (but not quite) to a SAML’s ‘metadata’ endpoint.  As I outlined earlier, in my experience, SAML metadata endpoints aren’t consistently named or often vendors won’t implement them.

However, all Azure tenants publish their OIDC endpoint at the following location (assuming a corporate Tenant):{tenant}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration.

The ‘/.well-known/open-id/configuration’ path is a common standard path across all identity vendors.

The first step is to setup an ‘application registration’:

  1. Login to
  2. Browse to ‘App registrations’ services or type: ‘app reg’ in the Azure Portal search
  1. Create a new ‘App registration’
  2. Assign a name and add a ‘redirect URI’ to:
  3. Go to:  ‘Branding’ then add: to the Home page URL
  4. Go to ‘Enterprise applications’ services in Azure and search for the application name added in step 4.
  5. Assign it to a test user
  6. Make the application visible
  7. Open a new testing browser, browse to: and login as the test user

Method #1:  Use ‘Smart Link’ to expose OIDC JSON Web Token (JWT), using Implicit Flow

This case I call the ‘quick and dirty’ method, if you’re just wanting to see what Azure will expose to a third party OIDC application in terms of both the ID and Access tokens (JWT format).

This method is extraordinarily simple, as this method will simulate an ‘Implicit’ grant type and flow and request the ID and Access tokens direct from the ‘/authorize’ endpoint. This is not recommended for any production systems, and ‘Implicit’ is banned in the OAuth2.1 spec, but it’s the quickest way to diagnose potentially data quality issues with the JWT.

Typically, to compose this URL you combine the following elements:<tenantName or ID>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize ?client_id=<AppID of the JWT app you just created>&nonce=defaultNonce&<id_token and/or token>

Method #2: Browser & CURL method for exposing JWT tokens, using Authorization Code flow

I personally prefer this method, as it simulates more accurately what an OIDC web application is performing in order to authenticate a user.   It also represents use of both the ‘front channel’ (browser) and simulating a backend web app server i.e. ‘back channel’ calling the ‘/token’ endpoint to retrieve the tokens.

Part 1:  Retrieving an Authorization Code from ‘/Authorize’<tenantName or ID>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize ?client_id=<AppID of the JWT app you just created%gt;&nonce=defaultNonce&

Once you’ve composed your URL, open a browser with F12 diagnostics and go to the ‘Network’ tab. Paste the above URL into your browser and authenticate to Microsoft Azure.  Once complete, perform a search for ‘code=’ and you’ll see a bunch of returned values.  If you locate on of them, you’ll see something similar to the following:

The Authorization code that is of value is the value after the ‘?code=’ and before the ‘&session_state’ values. For example in the above it starts with ‘0.AWYAbea’

Part 2:  Supply Authorization Code to ‘/Token’

The next part is to simulate what a traditional web server does when it then retrieves the tokens on behalf of the authenticated user.

For this, I use a CURL command comprising of the following:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=authorization_code&code=<Auth code value returned in Part 1>&redirect_uri=<client ID>&client_secret=<client Secret>”<Tenant ID>/oauth2/v2.0/token

You’ll get back a big JSON payload starting with:


The key values being returned will be:

“access_token”: and: “id_token”:

You can then browse to: or (to name two examples) and then copy in the raw JSON encoded values of the tokens:


In this blog, I went over the history of where the Open ID Connect standard has been derived from, its relationship to the OAuth 2.1 spec and also how to understand the basis of its JWT tokens with an Azure example.

In future blogs, I’ll explore how Private Key Code Exchange (or ‘PKCE’) further secures the Authorization code grant type for use with Single Page Apps or ‘SPAs’ and by removing tokens from browser history which could be comprised.


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